Dr. Branman Awards Dr. Rhys Branman's Cosmetic Surgery Blog

Recovery After A Face Lift

March 8, 2018 - Rhys Branman, MD

Facelift AfterFacelift BeforeMany of my face lift patients, at Little Rock Cosmetic Surgery Center ask how soon they can be seen in public after their surgery. This is a tricky question because it really depends on how each patient heals, and how they feel about being seen. If you don’t care if people know you had a face lift, of course you will feel you can go out in public in a 2 -3 days. If you don’t want anyone to know, it may take up to a month for all the signs of surgery to be gone. However, if you are concerned with looking tolerable, you can most likely go out in public in a week or two. With any surgery there will be some bruising and swelling, but this should be gone in 7 -10 days. Let me tell you about the post-operative care after a face lift to give you some idea.

What will I look like right after facelift surgery?

After your surgery, you will find yourself wearing a large bulky turban style dressing. This will be removed the following day, but you should not remove or loosen this dressing before that time. Your first post-operative appointment will be the day after surgery to remove this bandage. At this time you will be given a chin strap. Wear this at all times the first week except when showering or laundering the garment. After the first week, you will only wear this at home for one week. It will not be until one week following surgery you will have sutures removed. In the meantime, there are several things you will have to do to care for yourself.

After that first post-operative visit, when your “turban” is off, you will have to begin to clean incisions gently 2 to 4 times daily. My nurse will not only have instructed you precisely how to do this, but I will have given you a list of things to buy before hand, basically hydrogen peroxide, Q-tips and distilled water, and you will have printed instructions. But you may need assistance, as some of the incisions, particularly behind the ears, can be hard to see.

What you can do to ensure a smoother, more comfortable facelift recovery

There are some simple things to be avoided after face lift surgery as well. One must avoid excessive facial movements, straining, or leaning forward of the head and neck for two weeks following surgery. Move your head and neck as one unit; this means you will have to turn your shoulders as well. You will also have to avoid candy or gum, and any food that is hard to chew. A soft diet is recommended for the first three days after surgery. Try to suppress any forceful coughing or sneezing for at least 7-10 days after surgery. You will also have to sleep in a semi sitting position for 2 weeks following surgery. Propped up on 2-3 pillows or sleeping in a recliner are both acceptable. You must keep you face elevated like this.

In answer to the original question, basically, you will be presentable in a week or two. Know that you can begin to use make-up and or cover up one week following surgery, but you must apply and remove it very carefully. Men can shave, with an electric razor only, after the fourth day. If you go out you will have to be wary of the sun. So avoid sun or wear sunscreen because the light can cause darkened scars. You will not be able to chemically treat your hair for a month, so if you are worried about this, do it a few days before your surgery. However you can style your hair to hide incisions. Don’t forget, you are having a face lift to treat yourself by enhancing your looks. It will be worth it in the end, you just have to be patient during the recovery time. Read my blog entry Healing and Emotional Aspects of Surgical Recovery.

Call the front desk for your consultation with me (501) 227-0707

One thought on “Recovery After A Face Lift

  1. Drew says:

    Great information on what to expect before and after your surgery! I’m glad you mentioned how long it would be before you looked like you didn’t have surgery because many people don’t want others to know and it’s important to have reasonable expectations.

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