Dr. Branman Awards Dr. Rhys Branman's Cosmetic Surgery Blog

Chemical Peels vs. Laser Skin Resurfacing: What to Expect

November 29, 2018 - Rhys Branman, MD

chemical peels vs. laser resurfacing

If you’re considering a chemical peel or laser skin resurfacing, it can be hard to understand which procedure might give you the best results. Both approaches to skin rejuvenation are used to treat a variety of skin concerns including fine lines and wrinkles, acne and blemishes, scars, and sun damage.

Before you decide on anything, it’s important to consult with experts, and know the facts about each procedure. To help you learn more about these skin resurfacing options, we’ve put together some frequently asked questions and answers!

Chemical Peels for Effective Exfoliation

Chemical peels remove dead or dull skin cells by chemically exfoliating the skin’s surface. A medical-grade chemical solution is applied to the face and washed off once the outer layer of the skin is treated. The result is clearer skin with reduced wrinkles, fewer freckles and acne scars, and more even pigmentation.

How much do chemical peels cost?

The cost of chemical peels vary, but often fall in the $750 to $850 range.

How long do chemical peels take?

A chemical peel typically takes approximately 15-30 minutes, depending on the skin imperfections that are being treated. Light chemical peels are sometimes called “lunchtime peels” because of their fast treatment time.

What are the side effects of chemical peels?

Depending on whether you have a light or deep peel, there are some post-treatment effects that might give you pause before returning to work or life activities immediately. Patients sometimes experience tenderness, temporary redness, stinging, burning, or flaking after receiving a chemical peel.

What are the risks of chemical peels?

Chemical peel complications are rare and your provider can work with you to ensure the safest procedure possible. Occassionaly, patients may experience scarring, infection, or discoloration. Choosing an experienced physician or aesthetician greatly reduces the chance of serious complications.

Little Rock Cosmetic Surgery offers a variety of chemical peels to address skin concerns. Dr. Branman and our skincare staff are knowledgeable and experienced with proper chemical peel application. We will help you understand the process and answer any questions you may have!

Laser Skin Resurfacing for More Dramatic Results

Results vary based on the patient’s individual skin type and the type of laser used, but in general, medical-grade cosmetic lasers can provide more dramatic anti-aging results than chemical peels. Many patients seek out laser resurfacing to reduce wrinkles and lessen scars and blemishes.

How does laser skin resurfacing work?

Laser skin resurfacing smooths out skin by penetrating the outer layers of skin where imperfections are most visible. Certain lasers also penetrate the deeper layers of skin to address more severe skin irregularities. The procedure targets and removes troubled skin cells to reveal smoother, younger-looking skin one layer at a time.

How much does laser skin resurfacing cost?

The cost of laser resurfacing typically ranges from $500 – $3900 making it more expensive than most chemical peels. However, the results are more noticeable and typically last longer than peel results.

What are the side effects of laser skin resurfacing?

Because lasers often address deeper skin imperfections than chemical peels, the healing time is usually longer. Depending on the laser and depth of treatment, patients can experience short-term redness, swelling, itching, or even some blistering. A good provider will make sure you know exactly what to expect from your chosen laser treatment, and are prepared for these temporary issues on the way to a successful recovery.

What are the risks of laser skin resurfacing?

While long-term complications are rare, occasionally laser resurfacing may result in a bacterial infection, long-term hyperpigmentation, or scarring. Working with a skilled, experienced practitioner will drastically reduce these risks!

We offer several laser resurfacing options, including IPL Photofacial, MicroLaser Peel, and Sciton Profile Laser. Our skincare experts can work with you to pinpoint the laser that is the best fit for your needs.

Find the right treatment for you

Your skin is unique and your treatment should be as well. The best way to determine whether a chemical peel or laser resurfacing is a good fit for your skin type is to ask the experts. Work with a physician-led team and aestheticians who are highly experienced and well-trained in these procedures. Together, you can develop a skin care treatment plan that fits your particular needs.

Here at Dr. Branman’s office, our experienced practitioners can help guide you through the entire skin renewal process. Contact us today to discover new and effective ways to improve your skin!

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