Dr. Branman Awards Dr. Rhys Branman's Cosmetic Surgery Blog

A Board Certified Cosmetic Surgeon Answers Your Top 7 Questions About Gynecomastia & Male Breast Reduction

October 22, 2020 - Rhys Branman, MD

Though more and more men are realizing they have options for reducing their enlarged male breasts, we still receive many questions about male chest reduction surgery. To help you learn more about gynecomastia and your options for treating it, we’ve rounded up and answered some of the most frequently asked questions about male breast reduction.

While some excess fat on the chest may be reduced by losing weight or doing toning exercises, many men find gynecomastia simply won’t go away. That’s because glandular breast tissue cannot be reduced naturally—no matter how many hours you spend at the gym.

1. What is gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is a common condition affecting men wherein breasts are abnormally enlarged. Male excess breast tissue (Male EBT™) can affect either one or both breasts, leading to a feminine or misshapen appearance that impacts the physical and emotional comfort of the sufferer.

Gynecomastia is often caused by a hormone imbalance, which can be the result of genetics, hormone therapies, and drug use. For those who are genetically predisposed to gynecomastia, lifestyle habits like smoking marijuana or taking performance-enhancing drugs can exacerbate the issue.

2. Can gynecomastia be improved with exercise?

While some excess fat on the chest may be reduced by losing weight or doing toning exercises, many men find gynecomastia simply won’t go away. That’s because glandular breast tissue cannot be reduced naturally—no matter how many hours you spend at the gym.

Glandular tissue and persistent fat on the chest can be removed with surgery using a combination of tissue excision and liposuction techniques to sculpt a more masculine contour. While it’s important to choose a skilled cosmetic surgeon for this nuanced procedure, patients typically find male breast reduction surgery and recovery is easier than they imagined.

3. How much does male breast reduction cost?

The price of male breast reduction will vary based on the specifics of your condition and which techniques are required to provide you with optimal results. For instance, if the primary cause of your enlarged breasts is excess fat, your cosmetic surgeon may be able to improve your chest with liposuction alone, which would be slightly less expensive. Most often, however, a combination of liposuction and tissue excision is required.

Our TRTMI™ patients typically head back to non-strenuous work within just a few days or after a long weekend. By this point, initial swelling and bruising has lessened, and any residual discomfort can be handled with an over-the-counter pain reliever.

At our cosmetic surgery practice in Little Rock, the cost of male chest reduction starts at $6,000. When you meet with Dr. Branman for your consultation, he will examine you and take your concerns and goals into account when developing a treatment plan.

If you receive your fee quote and cannot afford to pay for your surgery out of pocket, don’t give up (and don’t compromise on your safety or results with a lesser doctor). We understand patients want to start feeling more confident ASAP, so we work with a number of third-party financing companies that can help. If your timing is flexible, ask your cosmetic surgeon about when they may be running a special. (Hint: discounts are most likely to be seen in summer when surgical schedules are typically the least busy.)

4. How many days will I have to take off work after male breast reduction?

Traditionally, male breast reduction patients would need to take about a week off of work for initial healing and comfort. However, Dr. Branman has developed an advanced male breast reduction technique, Tissue Removal Through Minimal Incisions (TRTMI™), to help reduce downtime and scarring and help patients get back to their normal lives as quickly as possible.

Our TRTMI™ patients typically head back to non-strenuous work within just a few days or after a long weekend. By this point, initial swelling and bruising has lessened, and any residual discomfort can be handled with an over-the-counter pain reliever.

5. How long will I have to wear a compression garment after gynecomastia surgery?

After surgery, you’ll likely be sent home with a compression garment to help minimize swelling and support your healing tissues. While your personal rate of healing will determine how long you’ll need to wear it, our patients typically are able to take it off after a week.

6. When can I start working out my chest after male breast reduction surgery?

Forgoing a normal exercise routine can be hard, but not straining your healing incisions is crucial to getting a great result and not developing any complications. Vigorous exercise will be off-limits for up to three weeks, and dedicated chest workouts may need to be avoided for longer. After your procedure, Dr. Branman will go over specific guidelines with you so you’ll know when you can safely hit the gym again.

7. Can man boobs grow back after gynecomastia?

While your results are meant to be permanent (the fat and tissues removed are gone for good), it’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle to prevent the condition from returning. That means you can enjoy your new, masculine chest contour for many years to come if you maintain a healthy diet, regular exercise routine, and avoid steroid and drug use.

If you are on certain prescription medications you worry will impact your results, talk with your primary care physician about having a hormone panel run or find out if there are alternate medications you can take.

More questions? We’d love to answer them!

Our Little Rock male breast reduction patients can attest to our quality of care and commitment to providing stellar results—and we would love to help you feel more confident with the appearance of your chest. Whether you’re curious about your options or ready to book surgery today, we encourage you to contact us and schedule a private consultation with Dr. Branman. You have nothing to lose…except the moobs!

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