Tummy Tuck Little Rock, Arkansas

Dr. Rhys Branman can help you restore a smooth, firm abdomen

Trying to put on a form-flattering swimsuit from 10 years ago doesn’t always work out as planned—particularly if you’ve had kids, lost or gained weight, or have just noticed that exercise isn’t keeping you as trim and toned as once before. We’ve all been there, and Little Rock cosmetic surgeon Dr. Rhys Branman knows how hard it can be to feel your best when excess fat and sagging skin on your stomach have you constantly covering up.

Dr. Branman has decades of experience working with patients who had concerns just like you, who are now thrilled with the dramatic improvements that tummy tuck surgery achieved for their appearance, comfort, and self-confidence. A tummy tuck in Little Rock, also known as abdominoplasty, is the most effective way to remove excess skin and persistent fat and repair separated abdominal muscles so you can feel comfortable and confident no matter what you’re wearing.

Why consider a Little Rock tummy tuck?

Tummy tuck surgery is one of the most popular body contouring procedures in the United States, and 96% of patients think it’s worth the cost, surgery, and recovery period.
Cosmetic Surgery Center: Rhys L. Branman MD
To see why patients everywhere are thrilled with their decision to undergo tummy tuck surgery, read some of our patient testimonials and consider these facts:

  • Abdominoplasty is the only way to dramatically improve the appearance of sagging skin on the lower stomach. Once the structure and integrity of your skin are impacted by weight gain, pregnancy, or the natural aging process, it cannot be firmed by diet and exercise alone.
  • If you’ve gone through pregnancy and childbirth, you know it can feel impossible to tone this area of the body, no matter how much exercise you do. That’s because pregnancy can lead to a permanent and often painful separation of the abdominal muscles, and core exercises will only take you so far. These muscles can only be repaired through surgery.
  • Tummy tuck surgery can improve the overall appearance of your abdomen—including reducing the appearance and quantity of stretch marks.

Tummy tuck surgery is all about helping you look and feel your very best, and choosing to undergo this kind of procedure is a highly personal decision. That’s why Dr. Branman will work closely with you every step of the way, ensuring you feel comfortable, confident, and well-informed as you plan your procedure.
Click to request your Consultation with Dr. Branman

Am I a good tummy tuck candidate?

It’s important to consult with an experienced surgeon to determine if a tummy tuck is the right option for you. Typically, the best candidates for tummy tuck surgery are in general good health and at a stable weight and would like to improve weakened muscles and excess abdominal skin. Significantly overweight patients are less ideal candidates for this procedure and may be advised to lose weight or undergo liposuction before surgery.

This procedure is especially beneficial for women who, through multiple pregnancies, have stretched their abdominal muscles and skin beyond the point where they can return to normal. The surgery does produce a permanent scar that can extend across the hips, but scars are easily hidden and most patients are willing to accept them in order to attain a flatter stomach.

During your consultation, Dr. Branman will evaluate your particular condition and advise you as to whether you are a good tummy tuck candidate.
Click to request your Consultation with Dr. Branman

How much does a tummy tuck cost in Little Rock?

In Arkansas, tummy tuck prices typically range from $4,900 to $18,000. Why such a wide price range? This includes estimates for mini-tummy tuck (skin removal and tightening alone) all the way up to extended abdominoplasty, which involves extensive muscle repair and torso reshaping. Most patients can expect to pay somewhere in the middle of this range.

At your personal consultation, we will provide you with a personalized, detailed price quote that includes the full cost of having your procedure with Dr. Branman. We can also discuss financing options, if you like.

How is tummy tuck surgery performed?

Tummy tuck surgery is performed under general anesthesia in a hospital or outpatient facility. Little Rock cosmetic surgeon Dr. Branman makes a very precise incision just above the pubic bone. Next, the skin is separated from the abdominal wall and the abdominal muscles are tightened. The skin flap is then stretched down and the extra skin is removed. A new hole is cut for your navel, which is then stitched in place.

For some patients, we can perform only a partial abdominoplasty, or mini tummy tuck, during which the skin is separated between the incision line and the navel. The flap of skin is stretched down, the excess is removed, and the flap is stitched back into place. Full tummy tuck surgery usually requires two to three hours, while partial abdominoplasty may require one to two hours.

What is recovery like?

While there will be some soreness and discomfort after surgery, Dr. Branman will prescribe medications to alleviate discomfort. Special drains and a dressing will be in place. Strenuous activity should be avoided for 3 to 4 weeks following surgery. It may be difficult to stand straight at first, but you will be advised to begin walking as soon as possible. Dr. Branman will provide special post-operative instructions about caring for your incisions, drains, showering, and more.

Read about the full tummy tuck recovery timeline here.

Caring For Your Drains Following Surgery

In this video, our very own Registered Nurse April Gring walks you through the steps for emptying your drains following surgery. For more information about surgical procedures at our surgery center, please watch our general surgery video.

How long after Tummy Tuck will I see my results?

body before and after aesthetic plastic surgery photo
Before and after Tummy Tuck with Dr. Rhys Branman

Many patients return to work after 2 weeks, depending on the nature of their job. While strenuous exercise should be avoided, light exercise may help you heal better. Even those who have never followed an exercise regimen should start. It will reduce swelling, lower the chance of blood clots, and tone muscles so you get the best results from your surgery.

Scars will be prominent during the first 3 to 6 months as they heal. After about 9-12 months, your scars will flatten out and lighten in color. They will always be apparent, but should not show under most clothing, even a bikini.

View More Tummy Tuck before & after photos.

What are the risks of tummy tuck surgery?

Every surgical procedure carries some risk. Patients can reduce the risk of complications by closely following instructions before and after the surgery, especially with regards to when and how to resume physical activity.

Complications such as infection and blood clots are rare, but can occur. Infection can be treated with drainage and antibiotics but will prolong your hospital stay. You can minimize the risk of blood clots by moving around as soon after the surgery as possible. Poor healing may necessitate a second operation. Smoking increases the risk of poor healing, so smokers are advised to quit long before their day of surgery.

Dr. Branman did an excellent job on my tummy tuck. I have had so many compliments and my belly button looks fantastic. He and his staff work together to get you the outcome that you envisioned.

Real tummy tuck patient of Dr. Branman, October 2023

About cosmetic surgeon Dr. Rhys Branman

Dr. Rhys Branman and his team at the Cosmetic Surgery Center in Little Rock, AR will help you through every step of your tummy tuck journey—from your consultation, to recovery, and beyond. With over 30 years of experience in breast augmentation, breast lift, body lift, mommy makeover, and other body contouring procedures, Dr. Branman has helped thousands of patients look and feel beautiful. We invite you to schedule your consultation by calling 501.227.0707 or contacting us online.

Areas Served:

For more information, contact us online or simply call the office at 501-227-0707 to schedule a consultation.