Little Rock Neck Lift

A defined transition between the chin, neck, and face are quintessential characteristics of youth and beauty. Unfortunately, the delicate skin & tissues on the neck are often among the first to succumb to signs of aging. If you have loose, sagging skin and vertical bands on your neck, you may look years older than you feel.

If you are unhappy with the appearance of your neck, there are multiple surgical techniques that can achieve a more attractive neck and lower face.

The Platysmaplasty

One technique is called a platysmaplasty, which involves removing a small part of the muscle that extends from your collarbone to the angle of your jaw. This approach is particularly effective when this muscle (the platysma muscle) is sagging. However, platysmaplasty will not correct conditions such as sagging facial tissue, sagging jowls, or excess neck skin.

The Lower Facelift

Another technique is a lower facelift, which can be combined with liposuction. This approach is beneficial for patients who exhibit excess neck skin and fat below the chin. People often refer to these conditions as a “double chin” or “turkey neck.” Incisions for a lower facelift are usually made in inconspicuous locations behind or around the ear. Skin is lifted and removed as necessary and a limited amount of excess fat is removed through liposuction.

Dr. Branman can perform your neck lift surgery at Arkansas Surgical Hospital or in our accredited surgical suite.

Neck Lift Results

A neck lift can dramatically improve a person’s lower face and take years off their appearance. Although general anesthesia is preferred for this type of surgery, some cases may use I.V. sedation. After neck lift surgery, most patients experience soreness, some bruising, and a feeling of tightness in the neck. Recovery time is approximately two weeks, during which time a compression garment is worn to improve circulation, reduce swelling, and expedite the recovery process.

If you’re interested in learning more about the neck lift, or other procedures we offer to rejuvenate and enhance the lower face, call or email our Little Rock surgery office to schedule a consultation.

For more information, contact us online or simply call the office at 501-227-0707 to schedule a consultation.