Dermabrasion for Skin Resurfacing

There are many options for skin resurfacing in Little Rock, but dermabrasion can offer some of the most precise results of any treatment. Dermabrasion is a surgical method of skin resurfacing used to treat a variety of skin imperfections. It can help remove seemingly permanent blemishes for clearer, more beautiful skin.

What can dermabrasion treat?

The following is a list of possible indications for dermabrasion treatment.

  • Acne scars
  • Mohs defects
  • Rhinophyma
  • Scars from trauma
  • Scars from past surgery
  • Tattoos
  • Actinic keratoses
  • Seborrheic keratoses
  • Angiofibromas
  • Solar elastosis
  • Rhytides

Good candidates for dermabrasion may exhibit one of the conditions listed above, but if you have a family history or propensity toward hypertrophic scars, keloids, or pigmentation problems, dermabrasion may not be the proper treatment for you.

The Dermabrasion Procedure

Dermabrasion sculpts the skin surface with a precise method of surgical abrasion.  The procedure is intended to eliminate textural irregularities and stimulate the body’s healing process to produce new skin. Some patients undergo a full facial dermabrasion and others undergo a “spot treatment.”

By passing a special rotating dermabrader over the treated area, Dr. Branman can remove scars and discoloration while creating a smooth contour to the skin.

After dermabrasion, gauze and ice packs may be applied to the treatment area. Recovery time typically requires 1-2 weeks, during which time pain medications can be prescribed to alleviate discomfort.

Laser Resurfacing vs. Dermabrasion

Both laser resurfacing and dermabrasion remove damaged upper layers of the skin and stimulate new collagen production for a fresh surface to your complexion.

While certain laser treatments only require a topical numbing agent, dermabrasion often requires some form of anesthesia to keep you comfortable. Dr. Branman will help you decide whether local numbing medicine, gentle sedation, or general anesthesia is the better choice for your needs. Dermabrasion frequently uses a freezing spray in addition to one of the above comfort methods.

Dermabrasion uses a high speed rotating sanding wheel or brush to peel away the skin. Both resurfacing instruments stimulate new, healthier appearing skin to replace and smooth sun damaged, wrinkled, discolored, or scarred areas. Dermabrasion in experienced hands is likely to be equally effective as laser techniques for most areas of the face.

To learn more about dermabrasion, or determine if the procedure is right for you, contact our cosmetic surgery office.

Areas Served:

For more information, contact us online or simply call the office at 501-227-0707 to schedule a consultation.